Much less of this...
but more of this...
and this!!
-Much less talk about Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and more of Gross Happiness Index(GHI).
-Less hand wringing about Economic Growth (or lack of) more acceptance of Steady State Economics.
-Acceptance that Climate change is real and doing something fair dinkum about it.
-A realisation that we are pushing the limits of what the world can provide and not eating into Natural capital.
-gagging Andrew Bolt, Today Tonight, A Current Affair, electing Kerry O'Brien for President(!).
And finally a quote from a book that has really resonated for me, "Judgement Day" by Paul Collins;
"those of us whose lives have spanned the seven decades since the beginning of the Second World War will be among the most despised and cursed generations in the whole history of humankind. The reason why we will be hated by our generation and by those who come after them is simple: never before have human beings so exploited, damaged, and degraded the earth to the extent that we have."
Hopefully we are not too late to change our generation's legacy.