Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Riding a Mango on Brisbane's northside

To date in Brisbane there are only 3 velomobiles (that I know of), all Sinner Mango Sports Red Editions. One is used as a daily commuter, one is a semi commuter, utilitarian speed machine and then there is mine!

I have owned my Mango for about 14 months and have clocked up 5000km in that time. Compared to some of the European velonauts that is peanuts km wise, but let me explain partly why.

Australia, and Brisbane in particular, has a long way to go to become a utility cycling mecca. We have plenty of sports, lycra clad cycling denizons- but relatively few people who cycle to work or shops or bus/train stations etc. We are still in thrall of the motor vehicle in Australia. Most people commute by private motor vehicle, congestion is chronic and the whole experience is a depressing one.
Weekend traffic

While some areas of Brisbane have some good cycling infrastructure, it is often disconnected, on road  bike lanes in door zones or compromised by parked cars, and often doesn't go where people want to go-they are great for recreation, but to ride safely into the city-forget it. This is especially so on the north side of Brisbane. I live about 14 km from the city centre, very near to a 6 lane highway that is suicidal to ride on. To get to the city is possible, but it is about 8km further that the highway, on back roads, bikeways, and decidedly unsafe bikelanes in places.

 Can't get though here in the Mango
 Once again very tight for the Mango

 A Brisbane bikeway special

 Do you get the picture?

In the Mango on a Monday to Friday, a trip into the city really is not doable mainly due to poor infrastructure, steep ramps in some some areas are non negotiable in the Mango,  prehistoric barriers that are impassable in the Mango and in peak hour traffic the on road portions of the trip would be dangerous, given the impatience of Brisbane drivers. On a Saturday or Sunday, it is possible very early in the morning, however lately traffic on a Saturday and Sunday are becoming little different to weekdays.

This really doesn't affect me, as I am retired and I never worked in the city, but it would be nice to have a direct, safe bikeway alternative to driving or public transport when one goes to the city for social outings. On such a path, I am sure it would be quicker than a car almost all of the time!

So most of my Mango outings are to the east of where I live, by the coastline, where there are some lovely bikeways and quiet roads. I can be riding in this area and once I have crossed the main north south highway, I am in minimal traffic, with lovely views and ideal cycling terrain-it is like being in another world.

These trips are mainly for exercise, mental health and social rides with other velonauts and recumbent riders and are extremely enjoyable, but I would love to use the Mango for more utilitarian purposes-shopping, bill paying and to destinations with a purpose. Some changes are happening, new bike paths that will negate having to negotiate the 6 lane highway by going underneath-this will change my life. But a direct, safe route into the city? I don't think I will see this in my lifetime-unless fuel costs becomes prohibitive and 2 of those 6 lanes on the highway are given over to bikes-heck I'd even be happy with 1 segregated lane being given to cyclists!

I "YouTube" endlessly the fantastic infrastructure that Velonauts in Netherlands, Denmark and Germany have and dream of the day that we in Australia might have something approaching what the Europeans have. But while ever cars and fossil fuels are subsidised to the extent that they are in Australia, this is a distant dream unfortunately.

Meanwhile, Velo On!!
Christmas present from daughter

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mango Fibreglass repairs

Thanks to crap Brisbane gutters and ramps, the Mango sometimes bottoms out on the underneath side. One particularly hard ding actually cracked the shell near the foothole, it went through to the fibreglass beneath. Never having had any experience with fibreglass repairs, I spent quite a bit of time checking out YouTube videos, so with computer on one hand and the required hardware at hand, I set out to try and make the repairs.

There were some other cracks of a cosmetic nature that I took the opportunity to repair as well.

 The crack near the foothole require some layers of fibreglass sheet to be laid down prior to repairing the gelcoat.

 The final result, while not brilliant, will do-it will hardly be seen as it is well out of view.

Not a bad result overall!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Doings in the Mango

One of my retirement presents was a GoPro camera. I'm very new to this technology so I'll apologise in advance for the amateur efforts in video editing so far.

Most of my family can't understand why grown men sit and watch videos of scenery rolling by viewed from a velomobile, but there is something addictive in it!

So here are some of my latest offerings;


Life changes

Quite a while since my last blog entry, blogs are a bit like that, many entries in the flurry of enthusiasm and then life intervenes and the entries become less and less.

Well since the last entry I have had quite a significant change in life-I have retired from work. I was an Air Traffic Controller in the the control tower at Brisbane Airport. The traffic levels due to the mining boom in Australia went through the roof. Work became a real slog, working flat out from the start to the end of the shift was wearing enough, combine it with shift work, especially night shift and the time came when I had just had enough.

So on March 1st 2013, I commenced Recreation Leave, followed by Long Service Leave (34 years) and then formally retire on February 8th 2014. However I am effectively retired now and so far not really missing work at all.